Vigamox Campaign

This award-winning campaign was for an Alcon Rx eye drop used to treat conjunctivitis. The condition is colloquially known as “pink eye” due to the telltale redness it causes. It’s highly contagious and tends to run rampant among pediatric patients.

Striking in its simplicity, our campaign used a simple stick figure along with an old school staple — a pink eraser — to promote the drop’s fast eradication rate.

We successfully spread this idea across a wide range of tactics aimed at everyone from school nurses to patients, as you’ll see by scrolling down. The idea was even employed to launch a product extension, Vigazera.

This journal spread introduced our stick figure (Known internally as “Peedy” — a mashup of pink & speedy). It was extremely well-received and quickly produced great results — much like the eradication profile of the product itself!

Journal Ad

Interactive Scratch-Off Mailer

What better way to convey how quickly the product works than a scratch-off card with a plastic pink eraser scratcher? Super fun, interactive and highly memorable — the pink eye would get erased, but not the impression the mailer made.

Additional Ad Concepts

This campaign was surprisingly easy to extend by bringing in other stick people, pets, props and variations on the verbiage.

Tactic Blitz Brainstorm Ideas

As evidenced above, you know you have a great idea when the tactics come fast and furious.


Ad Agency Work-Brookfield Zoo Campaigns


Ad Agency Work-Durezol Print & Digital Campaign