Philly Free Cream Cheese Launch Campaign

Selling a light or fat free version of a product requires a deft hand (holding a knife, in this case). You never want to denigrate the original to sell the line extension.

For that reason, to introduce a fat free version of Kraft’s famed flagship Philadelphia brand cream cheese, my partner and I opted to play up its taste and texture, as well as to riff on the well-established rhyming tagline “Isn’t it silly not to use Philly?”

:30 TV Spot

For the launch TV, we again opted to play up the taste and texture of the product, as well as to highlight the shortcomings of many a low fat breakfast.

Watch as our disenchanted diner pines for his neighboring table’s luxuriant-looking breakfast.


Ad Agency Work-Durezol Print & Digital Campaign


Ad Agency Work-Suave Naturals Launch Campaign